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Expressive art prints of and inspired by water.


Slowly but surely my images have shifted, resembling more closely my natural, myopic, vision. For a while I held on to the branches whose offset from my liquid picture plane was such that I could render them sharp while everything else relaxed. My undoing if it was such was to look into a small pool of water that had gathered at the foot of a Scots Pine and find - simply- colour.  I realise now that this gathering of a palette from nature had begun the previous year when looking at the land with watery eyes.


These shade cards were initially food for collage creations but some have whispered to me and others have learned to talk. As I watched the bubbles of winter air trapped under thin ice negotiate their way downstream I realised that I was photographing vapour as much as water, and this gaseous form is present here.  These are images that evoke rather than describe, and leave room for your own imagination.


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