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finding the positive

Updated: Jul 24, 2023

‘The hopes and fears of all the years’ seems more apt this year than ever.

I remember finding New Year 2020 more difficult than before; there seemed little to celebrate (floods, fires and folly) but you can only worry about that which you are aware of.

How the year turned, and turned out, and what a bleak midwinter we face.

Rather than an Instagram ‘top 9’ I thought I’d end the year by finding 9 positives from 2020:

  1. Deciding in January to cheer ourselves up by booking an early trip up to Scotland. While everything seemed to turn on a dime while we were away, and arriving home the day before lockdown was announced felt frivolous, what seemed at the time like a guilty pleasure helped us with what was to come, and has been our only escape this year.

  2. The blue skies and birdsong of April. Quiet became peaceful, and made the news even more surreal.

  3. Having a garden, and being able to walk from the door.

  4. Saying ‘yes’ to a friend’s online course in abstract art, which got me painting again after 30+ years. Thank you Lin.

  5. Resuming making handmade books, and being asked if I ever sold them. Thank you Lizzie, Alex and Rachael.

  6. Finding that the restrictions and terminology of the pandemic sparked new creative thoughts, and outputs.

  7. Enjoying pottering with paper, pixel and paint, without feeling the need to produce anything for exhibition or sale. My introvert self has felt quite comfortable with not having to put on a public face.

  8. Finally committing to rebuilding my website.

  9. Ending the year in good health, as have those close to me. Doing the ‘right’ thing, and keeping going.

And so, an image with which to end the year, and wish you all well for the coming one?

I’ve gone for a tangly trees one, which was taken in Argyll, so reminds me of better days, but also hints at how complicated our daily lives have become. I hope you have a happy, or at least a better, 2021.

Scotland Argyll Tangled and leafless trees cascade down the bank at the edge of Loch Coille-Bharr
Down to the Water's Edge

I realised last night, on reflection, that I had missed one:

  • The brightness that has come from your creations and comments. Social media sometimes gets a bad rap but there’s usually someone around to help when the daily grind gets you.

Happy New Year; I hope that it is, in the small things if not the big
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